Personal PAC: Supporting Illinois Pro-Choice & Women's Rights

Pro-Choice. No Exceptions.

Keep Abortion From Becoming Dangerous and Illegal In Illinois.

Save reproductive rights today

The Personal PAC Board of Directors is proud to release its endorsements of pro-choice candidates leading up to the November 5, 2024 General Election.

Abortion is on the ballot in 2024, and it has never been more important that we elect leaders up and down the ballot who are unapologetic in their support of reproductive rights and willing to do everything in their power to ensure access to abortion care is accessible to everyone in Illinois.

The people of Illinois trust Personal PAC’s endorsements to ensure that they are only voting for 100% pro-choice candidates. We have worked hard to turn Illinois into a safe haven for abortion access and reproductive rights. Every election, every cycle we must defend the progress we have won and work to make sure that abortion stays safe, legal, and accessible to all in Illinois. 

Click here for information about voting in Illinois, to check your registration status, find your polling place, or request a ballot by mail

Women’s Rights Are At Greater Risk Than Ever.

Personal PAC Fights to Protect Choice And Save Lives

Since 1989, Personal PAC has been fighting for and defending the inalienable right to choose for Illinois women. We elect officials who support choice and fight relentlessly against those who would take it away.

With the evisceration of Roe v. Wade, the health and lives of women are at stake for generations. We can go back to the dark days of dirty and deadly back-alley abortions…or work together to elect pro-choice leaders willing to fight for Illinois pro-abortion rights legislation to keep Illinois safe, healthy, and free.

More about Personal PAC

Keeping Abortion Safe and Legal Since 1989

For decades, Illinois had some of the most restrictive, anti-women, and outright cruel abortion restrictions in the United States. In 1989, Personal PAC was founded to reverse that tide. With the help of citizens across the state, we’ve been incredibly successful. But the fight never ends.

The enemies of choice never stop. And neither will we.

How we’ve protected choice for over 30 years

Pro-Choice Bills Passed


Election success for actively supported candidates

Anti-Choice Bills Defeated

Candidates Successfully Elected

We Can’t Go Back to This

When abortion is illegal, women are forced to risk everything. Sheila was brave enough to share her story of desperation, cruelty, and abandonment. It’s a story of survival, but one she never should have had to go through. Her story is one too many women have had to tell. We can never go back to those dark and deadly days. With your help, we’ll fight against those who want to drag us back.

Read the stories

“There if I Needed It”

At 17, I was the first of my friends to have sex. Growing up in a middle-class suburb of the Twin Cities, I was lucky that when I thought I was pregnant there was a safe place I could go to get a free pregnancy test without shame or pressure. I was at the top of my senior class and on my way to being the first of my family to go to college – my whole life was ahead of me. I knew that a baby would take away all my future prospects. When the test came back negative I was relieved. Looking back, I don’t think I realized at the time how lucky I was to have the option of an abortion if I needed it. But now, watching the restrictions being placed on a woman’s reproductive health rights across the country, I wonder what my life would be like now if that test came back positive.

– Megan, 37

Share Your Story

When we share our stories about abortion, we learn about strong women making positive choices to improve their lives and protect their health. We show each other that we are not alone in this fight and that there is a supportive community within Personal PAC. We’d be honored if you shared your story. Let’s remember the lives we are fighting for.

Upcoming Events

Want to take immediate action? Get together with your friends, neighbors, relatives, or co-workers to co-host or attend a fundraising event where elected officials, celebrities, civil rights heroes, and Personal PAC representatives will talk about how we have to keep fighting. Check out our current events page to learn more.